I've always had issues with my skin since I was a teen. And I thought eventually the acne will go away and I will be fine. Well...I'm now in my 30's and still have problem skin. I've tried just about every acne treatment under the sun and its either too harsh or not harsh enough. So I've been on the hunt for a good facial regime to help get rid of some if the unwanted breakouts I get. I watched my go to MUA's, ShanaJanelle, video on how she got clear skin and thought to try out some of her methods and products being as though we have similar skin types. Check out her video here!
I've tried the Eminence Pear & Poppy Seed microderm polisher facial scrub she spoke of and it was like heaven on my face (and lips)! I used that before going to bed 3 times a week and then used peroxide, a night cream and Neosporin lip health daily hydration. Every morning I use Target's Up & Up Black head facial scrub with salicylic acid and again use peroxide, a light moisturizer and Neosporin lip health.
While I haven't been as consistent as I'd like, I do see the results of this combination if products. With spring and summer approaching I've decided to be proactive and get clear skin before the heat and humidity approach us. I am going to practice this routine as consistently as possible...with one minor change. Instead of the Eminence microderm polisher, I will be using a home made product that is just as effective. Sea salt and olive oil...that's right, you can make this right at home and can be used as a lip and body scrub as well! (You know I'm all about cutting costs.)
So here is a picture of me today (Monday)...no makeup and fabulously flawed! I will report back in 1 week with an update and again in 2 weeks. I hope this helps and let me know if you've tried a new skin care regime.