Do you ever have the feeling that you made somewhat of a wrong turn somewhere in life? Like...did you choose the "easy" way out and now you're rethinking your decision? Do you know where you're going? Do you know exactly what you want to do? Do you know how to get there? I find myself asking these questions a lot lately. Although I love what I do for my's my "hobby" that really excites me. But because it's only a hobby right now and is not making me any money I'm somewhat at a loss of how to move forward with it. I have this passion for beauty and fashion and everything that goes along with it. But what road do I take to get what I want? How do I decide what is best for me? How do I decide if it's makeup and beauty that I want to pursue...or if it's fashion? Can I do both??? I would love your feedback :)
Confused Mickey